Hiatal Hernia Syndrome

Hiatal Hernia Syndrome Do you experience heartburn, shallow breathing, trouble swallowing, reflux, chest pain, or bloating? Any of these could be a symptom of lesser known conditions called hiatal hernia and hiatal hernia syndrome. Hiatal hernias are extremely common and affect over 40% of the US population and are often found accidentally on x-ray. These…

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Is my microbiome healthy?

Microbiome Part 3: Is my microbiome healthy?

How do I know if I have a healthy microbiome? Let’s take a trip to the (microbiome) gym After reading the last two blog posts, you may be asking yourself now – how do I know if I have a healthy microbiome? Do I need to do a stool test? While understanding of this continues…

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Pre, Pro, and Postbiotics

Microbiome Series Part 2 – Pre, Pro, and Postbiotics

Microbiome Series Part 2 – Pre, Pro, and Postbiotics Let’s define a few terms first before we jump all the way into how we can improve our microbiomes. As we reviewed in the introduction, there are many ways to feed and grow the microbiome. You have likely seen probiotics in new products from supplemental capsules…

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Pelvic Floor Therapy for Urinary Incontinence

Pelvic Floor Therapy for Urinary Incontinence One of the top reasons patients seek pelvic floor therapy in my practice is to address urinary incontinence. What Are the Different Types of Incontinence? Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine, can be broken down into 3 different categories: urge, stress, and mixed incontinence. Urge incontinence is…

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Sustained Pressure vs. Regular Massage

Sustained Pressure vs. Regular Massage Something I tell all my clients is that when it comes to working with the soft tissues of the body–the muscles and fascia—sustained pressure is the most effective. Whether you’re receiving a massage from a practitioner or doing it on yourself with a foam roller or lacrosse ball, applying pressure…

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