Astrology Wheel

How Astrology can benefit Acupuncture

Astrology guides us to understand what specific areas of our life require personal growth and transformation and can be a powerful complement to your acupuncture experience. Read how Laura Allmacher has combined these therapies in her practice.

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Pineapples celebrating the new year

New Year, New Gut: An Introduction to Diet Cleanses

The new year approaches, you decide to do a diet cleanse, but maybe you panic with all the information out there or you don’t know how to cook or it gets hard after a week or two and you give up. At Heart Spring Health, we offer Nutrition Counseling that guides you through starting, maintaining, and successfully completing a diet cleanse.

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Stress Management and Acupuncture

In modern society stress is out of control! Stress comes in different forms and affects our brain and body. Stress can be short term or long term, otherwise known as acute or chronic. Short term stress makes the body respond in ways that are meant to help us survive. These adaptive responses are not supposed…

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