It All Starts In The Gut

As a gut health doctor in Portland, my approach to patient care always begins with talking about the gut. The quality and variety of food we put in our bodies is directly connected to the quality of our health. I enjoy supporting patients with a variety of complaints including gas, bloating, abdominal pain, food sensitivities/intolerances, weight fluctuations, and more. I have a keen interest in how we can support our microbiomes to improve overall wellness. I utilize personalized nutritional, botanical, and supplement recommendations along with structured dietary support. Through various assessments and lab testing, we can develop a comprehensive understanding of your individual gut health and formulate treatment plans tailored to you specifically. The health of our gut is not only connected to our digestive symptoms, it is also involved in our immune system, mental and emotional state, energy levels, and much more.

Establishing Foundation

Supporting the gut is just one tool to support comprehensive wellness. Focusing on additional areas such as sleep, movement, breath work, hydration, time in nature, and emotional wellness are key to establishing long-term wellness. Everyone has a different lifestyle and foundational needs and I want to work together with you to build your foundation in a way that works with your unique way of living.

Doctor As Teacher

The goal of treatment should not only be to cure and heal disease, but to provide you with the tools to support your own health moving forward. As gut health doctors in Portland, we should consider it a success if our patients do not need to come in to see us every week. I strive to provide education so that you can lead a lifestyle that accomplishes such a goal. This also enables you to take control of decisions about your own health and enables shared decision making in the doctor-patient relationship.

Education And Background

My journey to naturopathic medicine in Portland started in my undergraduate studies at Santa Clara University in California when I began to question my own nutrition and eating habits. I had a love for medicine but began to realize that nutrition was the foundation for establishing sustainable health and wellness. After graduating, I began working and living abroad in India and Sri Lanka where I first encountered alternative medical philosophies including Ayurveda, yoga, and energetic medicine. My work also exposed me to the primary care medical model in the US that merely maintained disease but did not cure it. When I returned to the US I knew I had to find a way to practice medicine which aligned with my new philosophy of health and wellness. I discovered naturopathic medicine which led me back home to where I grew up in Portland, Oregon to attend the National University of Natural Medicine and obtain my doctorate.

Services I Offer

Dietary counseling
Botanical formulations
Abdominal structural manipulations
Environmental medicine
Men’s health counseling
Sleep support
Lifestyle medicine
Primary care

Contact and Scheduling

To speak to a gut health doctor in Portland, or to schedule an appointment, please call (503) 956-9396 or email [email protected].

You are welcome to write a review of my services on Google or Facebook.