Somatic Therapy combines psychotherapy with physical therapy

While traditional talk therapy involves working on thoughts, beliefs, and emotions from how the mind and brain work, Somatic therapy comes from the understanding that our mind, body, and spirit are intricately connected and indivisible. Somatic therapy supports integration of all levels of your core self in order to better access and resolve root causes of distress and illness, rather than merely treat symptoms.

Somatic Therapy Techniques

Somatic therapy can be more active than traditional talk therapy. You may experience a wide range of techniques, adapted to fit your needs, such as:

  • Mindfulness
  • Working with the five senses
  • Body sensations
  • Mental imagery
  • Movement exercises

You will deepen awareness of emotional and physical experiences while moving at a pace that feels nourishing and resourcing. Interventions such as movement exercises will release stuck energy or shock in the body and nervous system. Depending on your needs, body work, such as craniosacral therapy or massage, may also be used to support nervous system regulation, resiliency, and to increase your capacity to manage stress or pain.

What is Somatic Therapy used for

Somatic therapy is useful for treating various psychological stressors including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Relationship and sexuality
  • Grief and loss
  • Addiction
  • Attachment
  • Trauma

Somatic therapy can also be used for physical ailments, such as pain relief, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, chronic pain, and other somatic symptoms.

Therapeutic modalities that use a somatic approach include: Somatic Experiencing, Hakomi, Craniosacral, Massage 

Somatic Therapy Providers