WendyLeigh White, NDPortland Monthly Top Doctors 2020Portland Monthly Top Doctors 2021

Live in Greater Alignment with Your Physiology

I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor and nutritionist who takes a “nature cure” approach to prevention and healing. I provide weight-neutral naturopathic care, non-diet nutritional counseling, and craniosacral work.

I empower everyone, especially those in larger bodies, to understand the interconnected systems of your body, and its specific needs. You will learn to tune in to the signals your body is telling you. Only then can you give it what it needs to heal, thrive, and learn how not to follow in your family’s medical footprints.

Building from a “nature cure” philosophy (food, water, air, movement, relationships), I specialize in developing personalized lifestyle plans that align to your unique individual makeup and lifestyle.

You are a human, not a robot, and you don’t have to be perfect. You have built in resilience which allows you to make choices. Finding your optimum vitality is about making conscious decisions most of the time, not every time. I want to empower you to abandon guilt, and embrace your ability to live consciously. It’s that simple, and that powerful.

Digestive Issues are Connected to Your Nervous System

Feeling hyper, worried, agitated, or nervous? Or maybe you feel like your mood is on the lower side: overwhelmed, exhausted, or shutting down? These states directly affect your metabolic health (blood sugar, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease risk) and digestive function. All can be re-balanced by supporting your nervous system.

The main tools that I use to do this support are craniosacral work which nourishes and soothes your nervous system and the Safe and Sound Protocol, SSP. The benefits of supporting you mentally and emotionally extend out to effect the rest of the spider-web of your being – supporting your digestive and immune systems, and increasing your metabolic health. Your blood sugar, blood pressure, digestive tract, and mood all work better when your nervous system is nourished.

Learn more about Craniosacral Work

I Follow a Health at Every Size® Approach

Tired of fighting and trying to lose weight and ending up more frustrated with each attempt? Taking a Health at Every Size® approach means I trust that you can take the emphasis off of weight. When you focus on things you can control (not weight), your weight will settle to what’s normal for your being. You cannot reliably control your weight. What you can control is creating new habits in eating, moving, drinking, sleeping, and relating to yourself, others, & nature.

We will take baby steps in creating new lifestyle habits to make lasting changes in your health. And then your weight will settle to where it’s meant to be.

An Individualized Diet Plan of Guidelines, Not Rules

Rigid, one-size-fits-all diets are tough to follow and they can put you in a stressed state and are not individualized with your biochemistry in mind. I will empower you to have faith that your body is naturally adaptable and flexible. Together we will create general guidelines – not rigid rules – for you to eat your body’s “best-fit foods”. These recommendations consider your blood type, food sensitivities, and nutritional deficiencies to reach optimum vitality. With these guidelines, your body happily finds its balance point. No confusion, no stress – gentle guidance and lots of information provided by your very own body.

I encourage you learn to make a conscious, mindful connection between what you eat and how you feel. Over time, this mindful eating empowers you to choose what your body really needs, and you will feel healthier and happier for it.

Other Services I Offer


Education and Background

I earned my naturopathic medical degree from the University of Bridgeport, College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM), the only naturopathic medical school on the east coast.

At UB’s Nutrition Institute, I earned my master of human nutrition at the same time as my ND program. From my first career as a Food Scientist, I hold both a BS and MS in Food Science from UMASS and NC State. For continuing postgraduate education, I have completed advanced study with the New England School of Homeopathy and am in-process with Visionary Craniosacral Work® classes with the Milne Institute.

I am a member of these professional associations:

  • NMI – Naturopathic Medicine Institute
  • OANP – Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  • AANP – American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Awards and Recognition as a Naturopathic Physician:

  • Recognized in Portland Monthly magazine as one of Portland’s top doctors of Naturopathic Medicine in 2020 and 2021.


Contact and Scheduling

To schedule an appointment, please call (503) 956-9396, email info@heartspringhealth.com, or schedule online below. Online scheduling is available for return patients only and not all available appointments may be shown online. When scheduling online, please include a reason for your visit so your provider can serve you optimally and continue to offer an online option for scheduling.

You are welcome to write a review of my services on Google or Facebook.