Visionary Craniosacral Work® taps into your inner healing potential
Feeling hyper, worried, agitated, or nervous? Or maybe you feel like your mood is on the lower side: overwhelmed, exhausted, or shutting down? These states directly affect your metabolic health (blood sugar, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease risk) and digestive function. All of this can be re-balanced by supporting your nervous system.
The main tool that I use to do this support is Visionary Craniosacral Work (VCSW).
What is Visionary Craniosacral Work?
Visionary Craniosacral Work is a style of energetic, hands-on therapy – a subtle form of bodywork that works with the deepest tissues in the body. The focus is on the 22 cranial bones, spine and sacrum; as well as the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and surrounding membranes. My touch is very light, engaging your own body’s rhythms for healing. Nothing I do or nothing you take heals your body – your body heals itself when supported appropriately. VCSW can be that support to allow your body to do what it needs to do.
The benefits of supporting you mentally and emotionally extend out to affect the rest of the spiderweb of your being – supporting your digestive and immune systems, and increasing your metabolic health. Your blood sugar, blood pressure, digestive tract, and mood all work better when your nervous system is nourished.
What happens during a Visionary Craniosacral Work session?
Treatments are typically done with you lying face up on my treatment table, while fully clothed. I hold my hands in various spots to assess your craniosacral rhythm, feeling for restrictions. Letting your tissues guide me, I hold awareness and wait until I feel or see signs of release (softening of the area, deep breath, stillness of eye movement, stomach gurgling, etc.).
When I place my hands on different areas of your body (head, neck, upper chest, upper back, low back, feet, etc.) I can sense into your ‘field’, your craniosacral rhythm; your fluid wave; your body’s internal flow. The Milne Institute refers to the ability to do this as the “heart of listening.” Each hold may be held 5, 10, or 15 minutes or longer, if your body needs time to open and integrate the experience.
Creating change in your body is not always comfortable. Re-experiencing or remembering aspects of an original injury or trauma is a sign that your body is integrating what may have been unresolved and stuck in your tissues; but these sessions are a safe space for your experiences. After your session and over the next few days, you may notice fluctuations in your symptoms, sleep, or emotions as your body continues to process changes.
What can craniosacral work help me with?
Craniosacral work is beneficial for many physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Here is a partial list:
- Back Pain (chronic and acute), Sacral-Iliac issues, Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis
- Car accident injuries, Whiplash, Concussions
- Central nervous system disorders
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Dental, Facial trauma, Tinnitus, Sinus Problems, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches/migraines, Tension, Stress
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma Recovery
How many sessions will I need?
Response to Visionary Craniosacral Work varies from individual to individual, and condition to condition. Your response is uniquely your own and shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. I typically recommend at least 3-6 sessions scheduled weekly before you make a decision about whether VCSW is helpful for your healing. Then, I recommend monthly or bi-monthly sessions as basic maintenance. Symptom relief may come before correction of the underlying problem. If you stop care at symptom relief, without correction and strengthening, you will risk return of your symptoms.
Why I chose to use Visionary Craniosacral Work
I chose this visionary approach to craniosacral work because it aligns with the concept that each one of us is a spiritual being experiencing emotions, all held in a physical body. “All schools of craniosacral work have something to offer. The visionary school encompasses all ways of understanding and working with the craniosacral system – biodynamic, energetic, mechanical and visionary.” According to the Milne Institute: “a visionary is someone who can do four things equally well and hold all four things as equal in importance.
- … they can perceive the entirety of the client’s anatomy and physiology.
- … [they] can perceive the parts of their anatomy and physiology, and notice which parts have left concert with the whole.
- … they can perceive the client’s inner spiritual journey, emotional state and energy level, and hold no judgment about what they perceive.
- … they can perceive their own inner spiritual journey, emotional state and energy level, also without judgment.”
I aspire to “be of service to people by seeing them clearly, sensing where they need to be touched, and working with the sublime mysteries of the craniosacral system.”
What patients say about VCSW
“You carry a very powerful gift, not just to hold a deeply safe space and attune to energy, but also in the precise and relevant encouraging worlds you speak from the heart that spark life, hope and strength in your patients.”
“You have had a positive impact on my health and wellness that I believe will stay with me through my life.”
“I was recently diagnosed with Small Fiber Neuropathy, a neurological condition that causes pain and numbness in different parts of my body. Over the last month I have been receiving weekly VCSW treatments from Dr. White. I was unsure of how VCSW might help me, at first, but I quickly realized that the treatments are making a real difference for me. I am feeling less pain overall, my balance has improved, and my energy level has increased. My nervous system seems to be calmed by the treatments, leading me to have less symptoms from my condition. Dr. White’s office environment is serene and quiet, and her table is sublimely comfortable. The sessions are very relaxing and comforting. She shares her knowledge freely during and after each session – so in addition to reaping the physical benefits of the treatments, I’m also learning about my body and what I can do at home to keep feeling my best. Dr. White is a very caring and capable practitioner; her warm energy and experienced touch make you feel special.”
Learn More
- About VCSW –
- About Craniosacral in general –
WendyLeigh White, ND is a naturopathic doctor and nutritionist in Portland, Oregon who takes a “nature cure” approach to prevention and healing. Dr White specializes in weight-neutral naturopathic care, non-diet nutritional counseling, a Health At Every Size approach, and Visionary Craniosacral Work. She earned her naturopathic medical degree and masters of nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, College of Naturopathic Medicine. Learn more about Dr White.
Photo courtesy of Unsplash