What is visceral manipulation?
Visceral manipulation addresses the movement of our internal organs and the fascia that surrounds them. Each organ in our body has a specific motion. Healthy organs have smooth movement patterns, and unhealthy organs are stuck in abnormal movement patterns. This “stuckness” comes from restrictions that decrease normal motion. Restrictions occur for many reasons, including:
- Surgeries, such as abdominal surgery
- Infections
- Emotional stressors
- Gut dysbiosis
- Environmental toxins
- Physical trauma, such as from motor vehicle accidents
- Poor posture
When the motion of an organ is reduced, its function decreases as well. Because our bodies are interconnected, restrictions around one organ commonly affect the motion and function of other areas of the body.
Could I benefit from visceral manipulation?
If you have any of the common reasons for restrictions listed above, you likely would benefit from visceral manipulation. The following are problems commonly seen by practitioners who use visceral manipulation:
- Constipation and diarrhea
- Heartburn and acid reflux
- Bloating after meals
- Trouble digesting foods
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Headache
- Shoulder, neck, back or knee pain
- Depression and anxiety
- Decreased immune function
What should I expect from a visceral manipulation session?
Visceral manipulation uses light touch to find and correct restrictions. Depending on what is found, one or multiple areas of the body may be worked on. What you experience during the sessions may differ from session to session, but the work is gentle and should not cause pain. The level of severity of restrictions and organ dysfunction determines the number of sessions required to address the problem.
Meet Dr. Rachel Paran
Dr. Rachel Paran is a Naturopathic Physician at Heart Spring Health in the Sellwood neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. She received her training in visceral manipulation through the Barral Institute, named after the developer of visceral manipulation technique, Jean-Pierre Barral, DO. She is a graduate of Sonoran University of Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona where she developed a passion for using hands-on therapeutic techniques to address functional imbalances. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Paran through the patient portal or by calling Heart Spring Health at (503) 956-9396. To learn more about Dr. Paran’s health philosophy, you can read her biography by clicking here.